Are you ready to Step Out?

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)

Happening on 6-9 June in Best Western Premier Panbil, Batam, Indonesia the Lighthouse Evangelism Church Camp will be focused on the theme of “Be Strong and Courageous”.

Catered for the family, the church camp will have multiple programmes for the English congregation, Chinese congregation, Blazelight, and Sparklight to ensure that it will be a blessed time of spiritual recharge and fellowship. 

Registration has closed. 报名已截止。

Main Speakers


Pastor Erwin Widjaja will be the camp speaker in all the English plenary sessions.

He has served God full time for close to 30 years and is actively involved in the prayer movement in Indonesia and also in Southeast Asia. He is excited to encourage us to be fervent intercessors for the Lord, in conjunction with the year of intercession!

Pastor Ian Toh, the Founding Pastor of 3:16 Church will be the camp speaker for the young adults in Blazelight.

His heart burns fiercely for the destiny of Singapore & her next generation and he desires to disciple believers on how to be real, relevant and ready in today’s world.

Pastor Alex Larsen from New Zealand is also invited for Inner Healing.

He has a notable prophetic ministry and will be ministering through personal prayer for campers who request for it.


我岂没有吩咐你吗?你当刚强壮胆!不要惧怕,也不要惊惶;因为你无论往哪里去,耶和华 – 你的神必与你同在。(约书亚记1章9节)

灯塔教会营会将于 2023 年 6 月 6 日至 9 日在印度尼西亚巴淡岛 Best Western Premier Panbil酒店举行。营会主题是“刚强壮胆!”

为了迎合整体的需要,教会营会分别有英文堂、中文堂、Blazelight 和 Sparklight 的多个选项,以确保这将是一个属灵充电和团契蒙福的时光。



彭瑞凤牧师自1999 年至 2022年, 全职参与印尼巴淡神召会帖撒罗尼迦华语部; 2022 年 9 月全职加入巴淡神召会合一堂。她的多项服事事工包括:翻译,传福音,教导,辅导,用华语和印尼语讲道,等等.

Lighthouse Evangelism “Step Out” Church Camp 2023 灯塔教会 “腾跃”营会 2023

Date: 6-9 June 2023

Venue: Best Western Premier Panbil, Batam, Indonesia

地点:Best Western Premier Panbil,印尼巴淡岛

Camp Fee 营会费用:

  • Single Occupancy 单人房 – S$650 per pax 每人新币 650
  • Twin Sharing 双人房 – S$490 per pax 每人新币 490 
  • Triple Sharing 三人房 – S$490 per pax 每人新币 490
Camp Fee includes 3-night accommodation, ferry tickets, bus transportation, meals, a camp T-shirt, and travel insurance (excluding COVID-19 related coverage). 
营会费用包含三晚的酒店住宿、船票、巴士接送、餐饮、营会 T恤及旅游保险 (不包括 COVID-19相关范围)