Supporting our church services to ensure a smooth worship experience


Supporting our church services to ensure a smooth worship experience

By adopting auditory and visual technology, we support the delivery of a smooth and conducive church service.

Here are the sub-categories where you can play a part in our Technical Ministry:

Video Crew (Videolight)

We operate a variety of complex equipment from lyrics-clicker to cameras and video cameras. We train and impart skills that are widely practiced in the industry to our crew.

Lighting Engineer (Flashlight)

We produce light and visual effects to enhance the worship experience with the use of high technology and intelligent lightings.

Sound Engineer (Soundlight)

We are responsible for the sound system to ensure that the worship, announcements and sermon messages are delivered with clarity.


We capture the wonderful moments of our community during our worship services and special events.

We welcome anyone who has a keen interest in technology and photography to be a part of our technical crew at Lighthouse Evangelism.